


Filippo Costantini is Visiting Professor in the department of Philosophy at University of Costa Rica. He won a post-doctoral research fellowship at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in the department of Philosophy and Literature. His research focuses on Song dynasty Neo-Confucian Philosophy and early Medieval Daoism. Among his numerous publications are  El Dao de los sabios: Análisis y comparación de los tres comentarios más importantes del Laozi  ( The Way of Sages: Analysis and Comparison of the Three Classical Interpretations of the Laozi,  2021); “Structuring Reality: The Metaphysics of Harmony in Zhang Zai’s  Zhengmeng  Philosophical System” (2020); “La Crítica de la Metafísica Budista en el sistema Filosófico de Zhang Zai” (“The Critique of Buddhist Metaphysics in the Philosophical System of Zhang Zai”, 2019).