
ZHOU Weidi

ZHOU Weidi is currently a professor and deputy dean of the School of Economics and Business Administration of Central China Normal University, a member of the Society for World Economics, a member of the Society for the Study of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and an expert in the evaluation of the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Fund. His recent research interests are world economics, Eurasian political economy and Russian issues, involving international trade and investment, country and regional economy, transition economics and other research fields. His representative works include The Economic Influence of China’s New Energy Resources Utilizaton Efficience: an Empirical Analysis; The Government and the market: the mechanisms and institutions of Eurasian integration in a global growing hypercompetition; Eвразийская экономика и идея многополярного мира в контексте глобализациии и регионализации. Интеллектуальный капитал в экономике знаний; моделей экономического роста в Росссии и Китае: рестроспектива и перспективы. Сакнт-Петербург, Инфо-да; анлдиз aперeходных моделей экономического роста в Росссии и Китае: рестроспектива и перспективы.