Alexandre Reichart is a researcher at the Institute for the Philosophy, History and Analysis of Economic Representations (PHARE) of the University of Paris, and a member of the teaching and research faculty of Economics at the School of Law of the Renmin University of China. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Paris in 2014, under the supervision of André Strauss, Director of Research of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Before coming to China, he taught at the Institut Supérieur d'Administration et d'Accountation (ISAAC), the University of Paris II, the University of Paris III, the University of Paris VII, and many other French universities. He is mainly engaged in research on economic history, history of economic thought, and monetary policy and theory. He has published monographs such as Les Grandes Théories Économiques “Pour les Nuls,” Économie Contemporaine, for the journal Alternatives économiques, and is currently working on a book in the field of the history of Chinese economic thought with his colleague Zhang Wenjie.