

James Robson is a Professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University, Director of the Harvard University Asia Center, a member of the Board of Directors of the Harvard-Yenching Institute, and one of the three chief editors of TOUNG PAO. His academic fields include the history of Chinese Buddhism and Taoism. His academic works and compilations include Power of Place: The Religious Landscape of the Southern Sacred Peak (Nanyue 南嶽) in Medieval China (which won the Jurien Prize of the Académie française de lettres and the Tomohide Numata Book Prize for Buddhism), Images, Relics, and Legends: The Formation and Transformation of Buddhist Sacred Sites, Buddhist Monasticism in East Asia: Places of Practice, and The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Daoism. He is currently working on a monograph, Tao Te Ching: A Biography, for the Princeton University Press series “Biographies of Great Religious Books”.