

李福清 俄罗斯科学院

Riftin, Boris, Russian Academy of Sciences



俄罗斯学者从19世纪中叶就开始关注俄罗斯的民间文化,着手搜集并研究民间故事、民歌、勇士歌(即史诗)以及民间版画等。他们发现勇士歌与其他民族史诗在母题与描写上多有雷同,由此对东方民族的民间文学发生了兴趣。出生在西伯利亚的波塔宁(G. N. Potanin, 1835-1920东方民族民间文学的最积极采集者之一。他以为俄罗斯史诗的其他源头不在南方,而在东方。他开始采录西伯利亚蒙古语系布里亚特族的民间文学,学会了蒙语,而且调查了阿尔泰山的民族及哈萨克族。波塔宁整理了他在中国搜集到的材料,并于1893年在圣彼得堡出版了一本大部头著作,题为《中国唐古特-西藏边区与蒙古中部》。

二十世纪初俄罗斯本宁格森(A. P. Beningsen伯爵去蒙古,从19094一直呆到1911年,他也到过新疆与甘肃的酒泉县。1912年他出版了一本书,题为《有关现代蒙古的一些资料》,同年出版了《中亚传说故事集》,其中大部分是蒙古故事,但也有一些藏人讲述的故事。

1909-1911年与1913-1915,又有一名突厥诸语专家马洛夫(S. E. Malov 1880-1957去新疆调查维吾尔语与裕固语,记录了不少故事、民歌和谜语等。上世纪五十年代出版(其中收录了原文、俄译文以及词汇对照表)。此外还有一些俄国民间文学作家及语言学家对中国东北和西北地区的文化感兴趣并收集了相当多的资料。从这些资料中可以看出,俄罗斯人主要搜集中国少数民族民间文学,但在民间艺术方面却只搜集汉族的,其中最重要的是木版年画。

19世纪下半叶民间文学专家探寻俄罗斯勇士歌的东方来源,著名俄罗斯民间版画收藏者与研究者洛维斯基(D. A. Rovinskii)(1824-1895)于1875年也去了东方,希望找到俄罗斯民间版画的一些情节来源。他到过埃及、印度和中国的广州。后来他认为俄罗斯民间版画与中国民间木版年画有相似之处。之后,最著名的收藏者是阿列克谢耶夫(V. M. Alekseev1906年阿列克谢耶夫来北京进修,立刻开始大量购买年画。他很想研究民间的中国,研究风俗和民间艺术。1907年到1909年,阿列克谢耶夫不断在中国购买回国,共带回大约三千幅年画。1910年他在地理学会举办了世界上第一次中国年画展,同年发表了世界上第一篇年画研究论文。




Chinese Folk Culture in Russia

Russian scholars began to show an interest in Russian folk culture in the middle of the 19th century. In their study they found that Russian songs of warriors had motifs and descriptions similar to those of the other nations in the East. So they began to undertake studies of oriental folk literature. The first man who began to collect oriental folk stories is the Siberian scholar G. N. Potanin. He argues that the origin of the Russian epic is not in the Turkistan region of South Russia but in the Orient. Thus he began to make investigations into oriental folk literature and traveled to China’s Xinjiang, Gansu, Mongolia and Sichuan districts where he set about collecting and annotating the folklore of the Chinese ethnic minority people, and eventually had them published in 1893 in his great work China’s Tangut: On the Tibetan Border and in the Middle of Mongolia.

In the early 20th century, another Russian whose name is A. P. Beningsen traveled to Mongolia as well as Xinjiang and Gansu. He mainly collected Mongolian and Tibetan stories and had them published in two books, Something about Mongolia and Collection of Legendary Stories from Mid-Asia, in which one may find many classical ancient Chinese legends as told by Tibetans.

Almost at the same time a Turkistan linguist A. E. Malov traveled to Xinjiang to study its ethnic languages and recorded many stories, folk songs and riddles which were later published. Besides, there are also Russian folklorists and linguists who showed an interest in the Chinese North-East and North-West areas, all with fruitful results.

Those early investigations sparked further and wider interest in Chinese folk culture. For example, the Russian collector and researcher D. A. Rovinskii traveled to the East to study folk arts and eventually found out many similarities between Russian and Chinese folk paintings. After him, the most remarkable collector is a Saint Petersburg State University freshman V. M. Alekseev, who traveled with a French sinologist in China from 1907 to 1909 and collected as many as 3,000 Chinese folk paintings. Using these paintings, he held the first exhibition of Chinese folk arts in the world, which stimulated even more collections, exhibitions and publications of Chinese folk arts in Russia in the following years.

Now the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg has the largest collections (about 3,000 pieces) of Chinese folk paintings in the world. It has also hosted exhibitions and sponsored publications of Chinese folk arts. The present author has just finished a compilation of Chinese New Year Pictures (Russian Collections) in which he has presented more than 400 pictures selected from nearly 6,000 pieces collected by Russian museums and libraries. This is part of the project under the aegis of Feng Jicai to rescue Chinese folk culture.