汤一介 北京大学
Tang, Yijie, Peking University
前 言
自上个世纪九十年代以来,在中国逐渐掀起了“国学热”的浪潮,相当多的学者,特别注意论证中国文化的民族特性和它的价值所在。为什么会发生这种情况,我认为这和世界文化发展的形势有关。因为自上世纪后半叶,西方殖民体系的逐渐瓦解,原来的殖民地民族和受压迫民族为了建立或复兴自己的国家,有一个迫切的任务,他们必须从各方面自觉的确认自己的独立身份,而自己民族的特有文化(宗教、哲学、价值观等等)正是确认自己独立身份的最重要的因素。在这种情况下,正在复兴的中华民族强调应更多关注自身文化的主体性,是完全合理的。但与此同时,西方一些国家已经成功地实现了现代化,而且许多发展中国家也正在走着西方国家已经完成的工业化和现代化的道路。因此,西方发达国家出现了一种“普遍主义”(universalism)的思潮,认为只有西方文化中的理念对现代社会才具有“普遍价值”(universal value)的意义,而其他各民族的文化并不具有“普遍价值”的意义,或者说甚少“普遍价值”的意义,或者说非西方的民族文化只有作为一种博物馆中展品被欣赏的价值。我们还可以看到,某些取得独立的民族或正在复兴的民族,也受到“普遍主义”的影响,为了强调他们自身文化的价值而认为他们的文化可以代替西方文化而成为主导世界的“普世”文化。例如,在中国就有少数学者认为,21世纪的人类文化将是“东风”压倒“西风”,只有中国文化可以拯救世界,这无疑也是一种受到西方“普遍主义”思潮影响的表现。
[8]《怀德海的<过程哲学>》中说:“(怀德海)的过程哲学(process philosophy)把环境、资源、人类视为构成密切相连的生命共同体,认为应该把环境理解为不以人为中心的生命共同体,这种新型生态伦理观,对于解决当前的生态环境危机具有重要的现实意义。”见于上海《社会科学报》,
[19]关于“和谐”观念在中国典籍中论述颇多,如《周易·乾卦·彖辞》:“乾道变化,各正性命、保合太和,乃利贞。”(《张子正蒙注》:“太和,和之至。”《论语》中有:“礼之用,和为贵”;“和而不同”。《国语·郑语》:“夫和实生物,同则不继。”)在西方,莱布尼兹哲学被称为是一种“和谐的体系”(system of Harmony),他的思想建立在所谓普遍的和谐(universal Harmony)之上,即视宇宙整体为和谐系统的一种理念,而在分殊性中看出统一性来。关于“中庸”的观念,如《书经·大禹谟》:“允执其中”;《论语》:“子曰:中庸之为德也,其至矣乎,民矣乎,民鲜久矣。”(朱熹《四书集注·论语集注》:“中者,无过不及之名也,庸,平常。”) 《中庸》中的“中和”(“中也者,天下之大本也;和也者,天下之达道也。”)郑玄《礼记·中庸》题解:“名曰中庸者,以其记中和之用也。庸,用也。”“执其两端,用其中于民。”西方哲学中有“mean”一词,我们把它译成“中庸”。亚里士多德把“中庸”和节制相联系,并提出一套系统的理论。他认为,万物皆有其中庸之道,如“
Searching for the ‘Universal Values’ in Cultures
“Axiology” is quite popular nowadays, and there have been many discussions related to “problems of values”. For instance, in Economics, there is the problem of economic value; in Political Science, there is the problem related to political value; and in Religious Studies there is the problem of religious value. What is more, in the Catholic University of America there is an “International Society for Philosophical Axiology”, which I am a member of. What kind of discipline is “Philosophical Axiology”? It is a discipline which focuses on the values held by various philosophical schools, such as the value of Confucius Philosophy with it’s value in the philosophical premise of “ren zhe ai ren” (a compassionate person loves human beings) and “Dao fa ziran” (the ultimate essence of Dao is nature), or the value of other philosophical concepts such as “zhong” (loyalty). Today we will focus on the “Problem of Values in Cultures”, and specifically on the “universal values” held in various philosophies and cultures. In other words, do “universal values” exist in human cultures? What is the relation between “universal values” and the sense of a “unique value”? Why should we contend with this problem? The problem of “universal values” has been widely discussed, with many of the discussions being based upon specific, practical questions, usually in the field of political philosophy. I hope to share my thoughts on this problem with you from a philosophical theoretical perspective.
If we do not agree that “universal values” exist within cultures, we might become “cultural relativists”, thinking that there no “truth” exists (not even relative truth). In this way we cling on to our own ideas, and are unable to engage in successful dialogue between cultures. As a result, it is hard to find a topic in common, and hard to reach a common agreement on some problems which both cultures share. That will lead to a serious weakness in our global community, and will not help the development of human society. If, at the same time, we Chinese do not study the “universal value” in cultures, it means that we are giving up our voice to those in western countries who passionately study and discuss the notion of “universal values”. In this way, although I am just approaching this problem, I hope to my studies will offer a contribution to this area.
My paper will focus on the following areas related to this topic:
I. To search for a common ground through cultural communication and mutual dialogue.
Ever since 1990s, China has had a renewed enthusiasm to learn the Chinese Classics. Many scholars have paid special attention to the uniqueness of the Chinese culture as well as its unique value. Why has this come about? I think it is related to the development of the world culture. The western colonial system has been gradually collapsing since the end of the 20th century. Many colonized and oppressed nations have established or revived their own nationality. An urgent task for them to undertake at that time was the search for their own independent identity. A unique culture (including elements such as philosophy, religion and value system) is the most important component in the establishment of the identity of a nation. It was under such circumstances that a renascent China wanted to stress the subjectivity of Chinese culture. At the same time, however, western countries had successfully achieved modernization, and many developing countries were following the path of western developed countries to get modernized. In advanced western countries there emerged a trend of “universalism”, holding that only the ideas and thoughts emerging from western cultures contained any universal value. In their eyes, other nations from other parts of the world were not in possession of any “universal values” or constituted less “universal value”. Some even went so far as to think that non-western cultures only had one value- that of an antique to be exhibited in museums. It is also evident that some of the newly independent nations, those in revival, were also influenced by “universalism”, stressing their own cultural value and arguing that their unique culture could replace that of western cultures in becoming the leading “universal” culture. For instance, a few Chinese scholars believed that in the 21st century the “Eastern Wind” would blow away the “Western Wind”, and only the Chinese culture could save the world. Such naïve ideas can be regarded as being influenced by western “universalism”.
Currently, in China and many other developing countries in the world, increasing numbers of people are paying attention to the unique value of each nation or country in order to protect the plural development of human cultures and to fight against western “universalism” and “Euro-centrism”. Such attempts are quite understandable. Yet, it is also necessary to be aware that nations often form a kind of “prioritization” of their own national culture, in the process of national revival, as a result of the influence of western “universalism”.
The problem is: when we stand against “universalism”, does it necessarily mean that we are to negate the existence of “universal values” in cultures? This so-called “universalism” might have varied definitions and explanations. This essay defines “universalism” as regarding certain ideas or ethos as the absolute, as universal, exclusive truths but treat other nations’ cultural ideas or ethos as valueless or without any universal value. “Universal value” means that similar or identical values exist among different cultures, and that these similar or same values should carry some “universal values” which could be universally accepted by a range of nations. Such values which contain universal elements are rooted in different national value systems. It is precisely because these “universal values” are rooted in the “unique value” of each different nation that we need to strive for the “universal value” embodied in each unique culture. Philosophically speaking, it is the problem concerning the “universals” and “particulars”. However, in my view, there do exist “universal values” in all nations and cultures. We need to differentiate between a “universal value” and “universalism”. When we stress the unique value of each nation and culture, we should work hard to search for the elements of “universal value” which exist among all nations and cultures. We are now in the era of globalization, enjoying the “advantages” which science and technology bring. At the same time, we are also experiencing the collapse of colonization and “Euro-centrism”, with human culture becoming more and more pluralistic. The search for “universal values” in different cultures can only be achieved through the dialogue and communication between cultures. Dialogue and communication might be the only way for us to seek “universal values” in different nations.
II. The paths that can help us discover “universal values” shared between all nations.
Why is it necessary for us to look for “universal values”? It is important because different nations are all encountering the same problems and are having to collaborate in order to solve these problems. Valuable resources exist in every nation that can help alleviate human problems. I believe that such valuable resources of thoughts carry “universal values” which can help us resolve these common or “universal problems” that we have encountered. How do we seek “universal values”? There are various paths. I hope to point out three here:
1. The similar or common ideas that exist in each culture can be of benefit to people. Such ideas undoubtedly contain “universal value”. In 1993 when pursuing a “global ethic”, the Second Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago promoted a search for the “least common agreement” on ethics, or the “bottom-line ethic”. At the closing ceremony The Global Ethic Declaration expressed the idea that the Confucius Golden Rule (“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.”) shares similar or identical concepts with other nations. It can be regarded as the “Golden Rule of Ethics”. In the Declaration there was a verse from the Buddhist Scripture expressing a similar idea, and we can find similar expressions of this Golden Rule in the other religious or theological thoughts. [1] On this basis, the Gold Rule of Confucius is regarded as containing “universal value”. Friedrich Engels claimed in his book Anti-Duhring that “Do not steal” should be regarded as having “universal value”, because such a concept is commonplace in all national cultures.
2. Seeking “universal values” from different systems of reasoning in different cultures. For instance, “ren” in Chinese Confucianism, “benevolence” in Christianity, and “ci bei” (mercy) in Indian Buddhism share a “universal value”, although they have different forms and varied starting points, containing different ways of thinking.
When Confucius talked about “ren”, he started from “qin-qin” (kinship relations) and set it as the basis of thinking. Fanchi asked for the meaning of “ren”, and Confucius answered, “To love others.” Why should we love others? What is the starting point of this love? In Zhongyong (The Doctrine of the Mean), Confucius explained that “Ren equals the love among human beings but this love should first of all be embodied by the love among family members.” “Qin-qin” [2] means that to love is part of human nature and to love our family members is a fundamental requirement. But Confucius and his disciples believed that only when one extended this sense of “qin-qin” to “ren-min” (to love the people) and “ai-wu” (to love the natural environment)[3]can one attain the complete and genuine “ren”. Therefore, it is said in Guodian Chujian (Bamboo Slips of Chu State excavated in Guodian) that “One should start from loving one’s family members and then extend this love to the people in the world.” “The deepest love to one’s relatives can be called ‘love’; to love one’s father and extend this love to others, which is what we called ‘benevolence’.” Some Confucius scholars interpreted “ren” as “benevolence”.[4] This means that “ren” in Confucian terms starts from the love one has for one’s family members, but its ultimate requirement is to love others in the world so that they can fulfill their goal of “managing the country and bringing peace to the nation.” Thus, we can claim that Confucius’ “ren” contains a certain “universal value”.
The “benevolence” found in Christianity can also be interpreted from a variety of aspects, but its foundation is the belief that “All humans are created equal by God.” This ethos brought about an ideal of equality that “All humans are equal in front of the law.” Thus such understanding carries a “universal value”, because only on this foundation can we obtain justice and equality. Superficially, “All humans are equal in front of the law” is only an important principle in the western legal system; actually the ethical ethos behind the saying is that of “benevolence”, namely to treat all human beings as the sons and daughters of God. [5]
The Buddhist concept of “ci bei” (mercy) is explained in Zhidulun (Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom): “The Great Mercy enjoys happiness with all human beings, and carries the sufferings of all human beings.” The starting point of this saying is to bring all human beings away from the sea of sufferings so that all can partake in a happy life in the other world. In the Buddhist Lexicon, the article of “pu-du-zhong-sheng” says: “Buddha thought all human beings are suffering in this world, swimming in an endless sea of sufferings. In order to help with all the means of getting away from suffering, Buddha not only meditated and assiduously practiced the Great Wisdom, but also explained and presented the methods and wisdom to all through different approaches according to the varied talents of human beings so that all can master the truth and arrive at the other shore of the sea and live a happy and peaceful life.”[6] From the “saving of one’s own life” in Hinayana (Lesser Vehicle) to “saving the life of the other” in Mahayana (Greater Vehicle), such spirit of “salvation for all beings” also carries “universal value”.
Although “ren” in Confucianism, “benevolence” in Christianity, and “ci bei” in Buddhism, bring with them different starting points and various approaches, they share a similar spirit. Therefore, we might conclude that they share the common value of “loving others”. [7] And “loving others” undoubtedly bears the ultimate “universal value” of all human societies.
3. Some unique ideas in different national cultures which carry the “universal value” as well.
To search for a “universal value” in a unique national culture might lead to various understandings. I think we still can look for “universal value” if we can “seek the common ground while shelving our differences.” I will focus on Chinese philosophy here.
It is natural that different cultures possess different ideas or systems of thoughts (i.e. religion, philosophy, customs, values etc.), which can sometimes cause conflict and tension. History and the current world situation have clearly told us this. Facing up to this challenge, does “unity in diversity” bring any “universal value” to the resolution of “conflicts between civilizations”? “Being different” as well as “Being in harmony” can provide a platform for us to communicate and converse, and in conversation we may finally reach a “common ground”. Such is the process of arriving at a “common agreement” from “different ideas”. This kind of “mutual acknowledgement” is not about trying to eliminate the other, nor is it about assimilating the other, but it seeks to merge the point of the two cultures. The two sides can lift up and improve their respective cultures at this merging point. As a result, we can witness the effect of “harmony”. Can we therefore conclude that “unity in diversity” also brings a “universal value” to the contemporary human society?
In 1992, 1575 scientists issued a statement “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity”, in which they warned us that humanity and nature were in conflict with one another. Why is this happening? It is because the human beings are exploiting nature with their endless greed. They ruthlessly plunder and destroy nature, treating “nature” as the opposite dichotomy of “human beings”. The Chinese traditional thinking of “tian ren he ye” (harmony between human beings and nature) may offer some resources to our thinking and contribute to a solution to this problem. Some of Zhu Xi’s sayings may well explain the meaning of “tian ren he yi”: Heaven cannot exist without human beings, and human beings cannot live without Heaven. Human beings are created by Heaven, and once the human beings are created, the truths of Heaven are embodied in human beings. In other words, human beings bear the responsibilities of protecting Heaven. [8] This kind of understanding of the relation between human beings and nature (Heaven) contains a “universal value”. In fact, western thinkers share similar understandings. Process theologian A. N. Whitehead once promoted a thesis of “humans and nature being in the same living community” [9]. This thesis has displayed the innately inseparable relation between human beings and nature. Human beings should love nature in the same way as they love themselves. Such idea definitely contains “universal value.”
III. Core value of “Plural Modernity”.
In conclusion, I hope to deal with the problems of “plural modernity”. There are various explanations to “plural modernity”, with at least two very different explanations: 1) Modernity is plural, with different nations bearing different features of “modernity”. 2) Modernity in all nations shares the same basic connotation, but different nations enter into modernity in a variety of different ways and in different forms and they reach their goal of modernization through a variety of ways. I intend to agree with the second point of view. As we know, modernity came from the West and the Western countries entered into modernized society earlier than other countries. Now many developing countries are trying to become modernized. Therefore, “modernity” must have a common core value that can be shared by all nations. But what exactly is the core value of “modernity”? I hope to explain my understanding through Yan Fu’s point of view.
Yan Fu criticized the view of “zhongxue wei ti; xixue wei yong” (Setting Chinese traditional knowledge as the essence and applying western knowledge as a practical method), which in his view was similar to “making an ox run as a horse”. Yan’s thinking is based on the traditional Chinese philosophy, “ti yong yi yuan” (that the essence and the application should be integrated.)[10], and he thinks that modern western society is “setting freedom as its essence and democracy as its practical method” [11]. I think Yan Fu’s “modern western society” not only refers to the western societies in modern times but also the “modern history” of the whole of human society. Can then “setting freedom as essence and democracy as practice” be the guiding characteristic of a “modern human society”? “Freedom” and “democracy” can be regarded as the core value of “modernity” judging from its root. To a modern society, “freedom” is a kind of spirit (including the “free” market and the “free” development of individual being because “freedom” has the power of creativity), but “democracy” helps the value of a “free” spirit to be perfected from power and responsibility. Therefore, we believe that “freedom” and “democracy” contain “universal value” that can be shared by non-western countries. Each nation may have varied ways or forms of entering into modern society, but it should be “free” and “democratic” in the ultimate sense.
If we see the world history from the Chinese philosophical perspective of “ti yong yi yuan” we may come to a whole new conclusion. We may treat contemporary society as the middle point that extends both upward and downward, and then we can divide human society into “pre-modern society”, “modern society” and “post-modern society”. Thinking from the point of view of “ti yong yi yuan”, we might conclude that “pre-modern society” is a kind of society that “sets autocratic monarchy as the essence and applied education and assimilation as the practical method”. “Modern society” is “setting freedom as the essence and applying democracy as the practical method”. “Post-modern” society is to “setting harmony as the essence and applying Zhongyong as the practical method.”
In pre-modern society, no matter whether it was the Chinese “imperial dictatorship” or the western “royal monarchy” (or “theocracy”), there existed an autocratic ruling system, and in order to maintain its rule it had to use the means of “teaching” (“jiao hua”). Since the Han Dynasty, China was always an “imperial autocratic system” (“huang quan zhuanzhi”), and this system politicized Confucianism in order to “teach” (“jiao hua”) the society only in order to stay in power. [12] We can say that China today is in the process of moving from a “pre-modern period” into “modernity”. Many other developing countries are probably in the same stage. The western Middle Ages were an age of “royal autocracy or theocracy”, they used Christian ethics to “teach” (“jiao hua”) the people in order to keep their power. [13] Therefore, our world today is a “pre-modern pluralist” society. I have already mentioned the values of “modernity”, and here I want to make some additional remarks. “Freedom” is a kind of spiritual value, and “democracy” is a kind of guarantee for the realization of “freedom”. However, “freedom” and “democracy” can also lead to some problems within to modern society, because any system of thought has some contradictory elements within its own system. [14] Any system is only relatively good and relatively bad within a certain period of time, and the values of “freedom”, “democracy” etc. are no exception. However, “freedom” and “democracy” have some basic significance for humankind as it enters modernity.[15] The people emphasize “freedom”, because “freedom” is a kind of creativity which is extremely meaningful. Only because of the “free economy” (free market economy) the wealth of human society could increase so much since the age of industrialization, and the material life of the people made such a huge progress. Exactly because of this “free thought” science and culture could constantly develop and change. However, it cannot be denied that the differences between rich and poor people are seriously increasing (which includes the differences between rich and poor nations, but also within one nation or within one people). Especially if the free market economy is not controlled to some extent, it will cause a social and economic crisis, as the recent financial crisis shows. [16] The rampant “scientism” and the unrestrained use of “instrumental reason” are strangling the spirit of “humanism”. “Modernity” adores the philosophy of subjectivity and the opposition of the subject and of the object, but this led to an ever deeper conflict between “man and nature”, and thus there appeared the current of deconstructing “modernity”, and this exactly is “post-modernism”. About the problems of “post-modernity” I do not know much, I can only present some general observations. The post-modernism which emerged in the 1960s was a reaction to the deficiencies within the developments of modernization, and at some time their de-construction of “modernity” led to the fading of any authority and control, but at the same time it led to a universal phenomenon of fragmentation, dispersal, and ostentation. Therefore, the early period of post-modernism aimed at “de-construction”, they intended to crush all kinds of authority, which was doubtless meaningful, but this did not lead to the set up of a new constructive viewpoint, and it did not usher in a new period. At the end of the 20th century, the “constructivist post-modernism” based on “the philosophy of process” proposed to combine the first enlightenment and post-modernism which it calls “the second enlightenment”. For example, the process philosophy of Whitehead thinks that man should not be seen as the center of everything, and one should view man and nature as an integrated whole. He criticized the dualistic thinking of modern western society and proposed the concept of an organic whole, which is the basic theory of his criticism of modern dualism (scientism). The director of the center of process philosophy studies, John Cobb, says: “Constructive post-modernism is critical of de-constructionist post-modernism, … we have clearly introduced the ecological dimension into post-modernism; post-modernity is a period of harmony between man and man, between man and nature. This age will preserves some positive elements from modernity, but it will transcend its dualism, anthropocentrism, and male dominance, so as to build a post-modern world in which all life is respected and cared for and can prosper in blissful community.” “Today we realize that man is a part of nature, we live within an ecological organism…” [17] This viewpoint may possibly be a point of contact to the old Chinese thinking of “tian ren heyi” (unity of heaven and human beings). They think that if the slogan of the first enlightenment was “liberation of the self”, then the slogan of the second enlightenment should be “respect for the other, respect for the differences”. For example, Rifkin states in his book The European Dream that the rights of every person in this new period should be respected, cultural differences are welcomed, and every person could enjoy a life of high quality (not of luxury) in a manageable corner of the world. Mankind can live in peace and harmony. They think that the idea of a system of an organic whole “must be concerned with harmony, the whole and the mutual influences of all beings”. [18] This theory is perhaps in some points similar to the traditional “harmony” aspect within Chinese culture. Process philosophy thinks that if any individual uses his or her power to weaken the body of the common society, then the effect will be that his or her own “freedom” will also be diminished. Thus one must object to an abstract concept of freedom, one must work towards a deeper freedom that includes responsibility, we must include the ideas of responsibility and duty in the idea of freedom, and one must show the inner relationship between freedom’ and duties This again has some similarities to the traditional Chinese emphasis on the view that life needs the relationship to other people.[19] Thus the post-modernism of a more constructive type has gradually more influence in the West, and we can ask if that means that in difference to “modern society” this post-modern society will be “setting harmony as the essence and applying the middle way as the practical method” (“hexie wei ti, zhongyong wei yong”) ? The concept of “harmony” (hexie) implies “harmony between human beings and nature”, “inter-personal harmony” (social harmony), “harmony of soul and body” and other very valuable dimensions. Within all these “harmonies” one must continually strive for a balance, and thus we need the “middle way” (“zhongyong”) for its realization. It will be very difficult and a long-term effort for Chinese society to go through the process of modernization, but due to the traditional Chinese culture with its spiritual resources of “harmony” and “zhongyong” and in an effort to present a new interpretation adjusted to human society [20], it may perhaps be easier for us to enter the “society of constructive post-modernism”. Just as Cobb says: “Chinese traditional thought is very attractive for constructive post-modernism, but we cannot simply return to it. It must honestly face science and the society that has changed already, and it must renew itself. If the pre-modern tradition should be fruitful for post-modernity, we must critically accept the positive elements of the enlightenment movement, for example the concern and respect for the individual person.” [21] This word of Prof. Cobb should be an important lesson for us. Thus it is an inevitable tendency of the current academic world to look for “universal values” within different cultures.
In his last years Mr. Feng Youlan often presented some new and strange views, he himself said that these new ideas were “very strange theories”. People will often come up with some “strange ideas” when they are old. I believe that what I have just told you now may also be some “very strange theories”, please feel free to correct them.
[5]Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
[6]Ding Fubao, ed., Dictionary of Buddhism (Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House, 1984), p.1046.
[8]Zhu Xi, Yulei, 17.
[9]There was one article in Shanghai Social Science Weekly commenting that: “A. N. Whitehead’s Process Theology treats nature, resources and humanity as one closely related living community. This theology thinks that the nature should be regarded as a living community that is not circling around human beings. This new type of eco-ethics can contribute to the environmental crisis we are now facing.” (Aug. 15, 2008)
[10]In Yan Fu’s article “Letter to the Owner of Foreign Affairs Newspaper” he expressed this idea. See The Collected Works of Yan Fu, vol. 3 (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1986), pp.558-559.
[11]See Yan Fu, The Collected Works of Yan Fu, vol. 1 (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1986), p. 5.
[12]In books like White Tiger General Interpretation, there were such regulations: “The ministers should be subject to the emperors; the sons should be subject to their fathers; and the wives should be subject to their husbands.”
[13]Frederick Engels, Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy: “In the Middle Ages, in the same measure as feudalism developed, Christianity grew into the religious counterpart to it, ……The Middle Ages had attached to theology all the other forms of ideology — philosophy, politics, jurisprudence — and made them subdivision of theology.”
[14]Russell said, “A philosophy which is not self-consistent cannot be wholly true, but a philosophy which is self-consistent can very well be wholly false. The most fruitful philosophies have contained glaring inconsistencies, but for that very reason have been partially true.” See Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, vol. 2 (Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1988), 143. Russell’s saying is significant to all philosophies.
[15]Premier Wen Jiabao replied to a reporter from French Newspaper The World: “Democracy, law, freedom, human rights, equality, benevolence, etc are not the unique values owned by capitalism. In fact, these values are the fruits of all civilizations formed in the long process of human history. These are the common values that all human beings are pursuing.” (See Beijing Evening News, March, 16, 2007)
[16]“Liberalism has freed people from the bonds of time before the market economy, and it also has made people suffer the financial crisis as well as social catastrophe.” See Paul Kennedy, “The Capitalist Form Will Change,” in Reference News, 16th, March, 2009.
[17]John Cobb, “For the Common Good(An Interview by Wang Xiaohua)”, in Shanghai Social Science Weekly, 13th, June, 2002.
[18]Jeremy Rifkin, The European Dream, trans. Yang Zhiyi (Chongqing: Chongqing Publishing House,2006).
[19]In traditional Confucius thinking, especially the pre-Qin thinking, there should be a reciprocal relations among human beings, such as “the just emperor and loyal minister”, the “caring father and filial son”, and “friendly brother and faithful cousin” etc. It is said in Liji that “‘What are the things which men consider right? ‘Kindness on the part of the father, and filial duty on that of the son; gentleness on the part of the elder brother, and obedience on that of the younger; righteousness on the part of the husband, and submission on that of the wife; kindness on the part of elders, and deference on that of juniors; with benevolence on the part of the ruler, and loyalty on that of the minister;these ten are the things which -men consider to be right.” And in Zuozhuan, it is said, “The lord is righteous; the subject carries out [the lord’s commands]; the father is kind; the son is filial; the elder brother is caring; the younger brother is respectful.”
[20]There are many expressions on “harmony” in Chinese Classics. For instance, in Yijing (Book of Change), it is said: “The variation of the heaven’s law makes all things on earth ensure their own natures and keep harmony. Therefore, it is beneficial to all things on earth to hold on faith.” In Analects, it is said, “In practicing the rules of propriety, a natural ease is to be prized.” In Guoyu: State of Zheng: “Harmony fosters diversity, homogeneity undermines sustainability.” In the West, Leibniz’s philosophy has been called as the “system of Harmony”, and his ideas were established on the so-called “universal harmony”. In other words the whole universe comes from one integrated source, and even in particularities we can find the unity. As to “zhongyong” (Middle-way), it is expressed in Shujing: “sincerely hold fast the due Mean.” In Analects, “the Master said, ‘Perfection is the virtue according to the Doctrine of Mean. It’s a long time since people could put it into practice.’” In Zhu Xi’s Compiled Notes on the Four Books, it explained that “The equilibrium is the great root of all things on earth. The harmony is the universal principle.” We have translated “mean” in western philosophy as “zhongyong”. Aristotle has detailed explanations of this concept “mean”, believing that all things in the universe have the “middle way”.
[21]John Cobb, “For the Common Good(interview by Wang Xiaohua)”, in Shanghai Social Science Weekly, 13th, June, 2002.