

张西平 北京外国语大学

Zhang, Xiping, Beijing Foreign Studies University





卜弥格(Michel Boym16121659)是波兰首位来华的耶稣会传教士,他出身望族,父亲是波兰国王的御医。他在中国和西方的文化交流史上有着重要的地位。本文根据最新的材料对卜弥格和南明王朝的关系、卜弥格在中国文化西传上所做的历史性的奠基工作,做一初步的研究,以揭示出这位杰出的波兰汉学家在中西文化交流史上,在欧洲早期汉学上的重要的贡献。




The Early Dissemination of Chinese Culture in Europe: Research into the Polish Sinologist Michal Boym

As the first Polish Jesuit coming to China, Michal Boym (1612-1659) occupies an important place in the history of cultural communication between China and the West. He was born into a prominent family, and his father was the royal doctor of the Polish King. Based on the latest materials, this article will research into the relation between Boym and the royal family of the South Ming Dynasty, and his historical work in spreading Chinese culture in the West. It will thus reveal his contribution to early European Sinology.