

霍普金斯 美国芝加哥大学

Hopkins, Dwight, University of Chicago




21st Century China: An American Perspective

If the nineteenth century was the one hundred years of British rule, and the twentieth century belonged to two world blocks (i.e., the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), then the twenty-first century might be the period where the presence of China might leave its mark on the global community of nations. However, the potential of China’s twenty-first century leadership differs quite dramatically from England when “the sun never sat on the British empire’. At that time Britain dominated the world militarily as the sole superpower. Likewise, China’s potential world example can differ from the prior Cold War threats between the USA and the USSR.

Rather, this presentation will argue that China has the capability to be a leader in the twenty-first century family of nations through positive examples. And, most importantly, China does not have to resort to military might like previous countries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In other words, China can use the positive dimensions of its traditions to help forge more positive relations among nations on earth.

Specifically, this capability of modeling positive world leadership, I argue, arises from, at least, four profound Chinese traditions: (1) the importance of the family; (2) a stress on harmony; (3) creatively absorbing differences; and (4) an efficiency in work style. These traditions are deeply rooted in Chinese thinking about Daoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.

In a word, twenty-first century China can potentially bring together diverse nations without an antagonistic and oppositional position. Instead, China’s four traditions suggest the promotion of stable families in all countries; the search for balance with nature, culture, and society; the embracing of those who differ; and the model for other nations to get work done efficiently.






