

高利克 斯洛伐克科学院

Gálik, Jozef, The Slovakia Academy of Sciences



Hebrew Deuteronomistic and Early Chinese Confucian Historiography: A Comparative Approach

My paper is concerned with the material from the early Chinese historical work Zuo Zhuan (The Commentary of Mr. Zuo, 4th cent. B. C.) and the books from the Bible: 1 and 2 Samuel and 1and 2 Kings (6th cent. B. C.) I am looking at them as typologically similar historical writings without any contact between them but nevertheless nearer to each other as examples of some of the oldest “narrative histories” in Asia and in the history of mankind.

From the historical materials connected with the history of the Near East (Mesopotamia, Levant), Egypt and early Greece, the books in the Hebrew Deuteronomistic writings: 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings are most similar to The Commentary of Mr. Zuo. The latter, as all Sinologists know, is an historical treatment and detailed elaboration of the book Chun Qiu (Spring and Autumn Annals) of the State Lu, where Confucius was born and is traditionally attributed to him. The book comprises the records of events that occurred in various Chinese states and their historical elaboration from 772-481 B. C. The Hebrew Deuteronomistic histories under review start with the delineation of historical facts from around 1050 B.C. up to 586 B. C.

Why are these two histories in a great measure similar and to a lesser degree different?

1. Theocracy was ruling form in Judah and Israel and fully respected by the biblical book Deuteronomy (申命记) mishneh torah “the second Book of Law” and the Deuteronomistic historian(s). In China there was no theocracy of the kind respected and realized in the land of Hebrews, but the Chinese rulers of Zhou Dynasty followed a kind of uranocracy (Uranus, or Ouranos means heaven in Greek), which was much more loose and not hallowed so much by the absolute divine authority intervening always in the human acts.   

2. The kings in Judah and Israel were anointed representatives of Yahweh’s absolute authority and regarded as his sons (2 Samuel, 7:4). This “divine sonship” was similar to that in China of the Zhou Dynasty (ca. 1145-256 B.C.), at least up to the 4th cent. B.C.), when Tian () Heaven was regarded as the all powerful, purposeful, apparently anthropomorphic deity, who sent down blessings or disasters according to whether he was pleasing or not with human behavior.

3. The Chinese did not have a book similar to Deuteronomy. In this book there are not the laws themselves, but their religious and moral forces that are applied to the description of the historical process. Hebrew rituals were comparable to li ()which in China were sacred rituals at first, later transformed into the rules of civilized behavior. The Chinese fully respected xiao () filial piety comparable to the Fifth Commandment. Deuteronomic righteousness was similar to the Chinese yi ()virtue to de ()loyalty to zhong (), faithfulness to xin ().

If we agree with the characteristics of the four Hebrew books as “narrative histories”, The Commentary of Mr. Zuo is just this kind of work. Similar are the narrative methods, repetitions in the text, use of parallels and extreme economy of the style. Common are also didactic tendencies of the compared works. From the point of view of the historiographical methods are the Hebrew works more progressive than The Commentary of Mr. Zuo, but they are “rather a literature of propaganda” (Thomas C. Römer) for theocratic rule.

The early Chinese work The Commentary of Mr. Zuo is together with the Hebrew Deuteronomistic historical works and the History by Herodotus (5th cent. B.C.), one of the oldest historical works in the world.









如果我们同意希伯来经典中的这四部分是叙事性的历史,那么《左传》也是如此。在叙事策略、重复叙述、排比运用、文风简约上,二者都是相似。这种相似还体现在道德教诲上。从史学方法的角度来看,希伯来的作品比《左传》更先进,但它更象是进行神权统治的一种宣传文献。(托马斯C. 霍蒙)中国早期的《左传》可以与希伯来的历史经典和希罗多德的《历史》(公元前5世纪)一起,并列为世界最早的历史著作。