冯锦荣 香港大学
Feng, Jinrong, The University of Hong Kong
明熹宗天启年间(1621-1627),耶稣会士毕方济(François Sambiasi)、傅泛际(Francois Furtado)与中国教徒徐光启(1562-1633)、李之藻(1565-1630)先后把耶稣会会立科因布拉学院的讲义翻译为汉语。天启四年(1624),毕方济和徐光启合译《灵言蠡勺》,其底本即为《耶稣会会立科因布拉学院讲义——斯大琪里人亚里士多德〈灵魂论〉疏解》(Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesv, In tres libros de Anima, Aristotelis Stagiritae [Conimbricae: Typis & expensis Antonijá Mariz, 1598]),内容介绍亚里士多德(Aristotle, 384B.C.-322B.C.)“亚尼玛”(anima)之学,即灵魂学。
明熹宗天启五年(1625),傅泛际和李之藻则翻译了亚里士多德《论天》(De Coelo)讲义——《耶稣会会立科因布拉学院讲义,斯大琪里人亚里士多德〈论天〉疏解》(Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesv, in qvatvor libros de Coelo Aristotelis Stagiritae [Olisipone : ex Officina Simonis Lopesij, 1593]),并以《寰有诠》(崇祯元年李之藻序灵竺玄楼藏板)为题于崇祯元年(1628)出版。
天启七年(1627),李之藻和傅泛际又翻译了《耶稣会会立科因布拉学院讲义,斯大琪里人亚里士多德〈辩证法大全〉疏解》(Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesv, in Universam Dialecticam Aristotelis Stagiritae [Oloniae Agrippinae, Apud Bernardvm Gualterivm , 1611])的一部分,定名为《名理探》,并于崇祯四年(1631)至九年(1636)之间付梓。本文将以傅泛际和李之藻合译之《寰有诠》为例,蠡测明末知识分子对亚里士多德自然哲学之研究情状。
The Studies of Late Ming Scholars Concerning Aristotle’s Philosophy of Nature
In the period of Tian Qi (1621-1627) of the Late Ming Dynasty, the Jesuits F. Sambiasi, F. Furtado and the Chinese Catholics Xu Guangqi (1562-1633) and Li Zhizao (1565-1630) gradually translated the teaching materials of the Jesuit-run College of Coimbra into Chinese. In the fourth year of the Tian Qi period (1624), Sambiasi and Xu Guangqi produced the Lingyan lishao which was translated from the Latin book Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesv, In tres libros de Anima, Aristotelis Stagiritae [Conimbricae: Typis & expensis Antonijá Mariz, 1598]. This book introduced Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) and his thought, the teaching of “yanima” (anima) contains Aristotle’s teaching on the soul.
In the fifth year of the Tian Qi period (1625) Furtado and Li Zhizao produced the treatise Lun Tian, which was translated from the Latin book Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesv, in qvatvor libros de Coelo Aristotelis Stagiritae [Olisipone: ex Officina Simonis Lopesij, 1593]. This book was published in China in 1628 under the title Huan You Quan (with a preface by Li Zhizao).
In the seventh year of the Tian Qi period (1627), Li Zhizao and Furtado translated a part of the Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesv, in Universam Dialecticam Aristotelis Stagiritae [Oloniae Agrippinae, Apud Bernardvm Gualterivm, 1611], which was published in China between 1631 and 1636 under the title Ming Li Tan. This paper will try to use the Huan You Quan translated by Furtado and Li Zhizao as an example to explore the studies of scholars in the late Ming period about Aristotle’s philosophy of nature.