

赵敦华 北京大学

Zhao, Dunhua, Peking University









Religious Background to Sinophilia and Sinophobia in the Enlightenment

The value system in the West undertook a dramatic change in the Enlightenment. The Chinese culture was introduced into Europe in this period, playing a role of contrasting reference to the western axiology. The Enlightenment was widely divided into two campuses of sinophilia and sinophobia. Both were deeply embedded in different religious backgrounds, through which the value judgment on China changed from positive to negative. This change occurred at the following five stages. (1) The Jesuits evaluated Confucius’ teachings, either as a non-religious moralityor as a primitive monotheism. Being inspired by Jesuits’ information, the Enlightenment scholar Pierre Bayle was first skeptical of whether atheists can be moral, which started breaking off the traditional dichotomy between true religion or piety and false religion or blasphemy. (2) The sinophile Voltaire, Francois Quesnay, Leibniz and Wolff treated the Chinese ancient religion as an ideal example of deism for Europeans, or the archetype of natural religion which gave raise a new dichotomy between reason or enlightening and unreason or darkness. This led further to a re-construction of the dichotomy between good and evil on the basis of morality. (3) The sinophobe Montesquieu and Rousseau criticized China because of the political reason that China had been a despotic state. Later sinophobila Herder emphasized the inferiority of the cultural stagnancy of China since remote ancient time on. The progressive dichotomy between advanced and backward was first constructed in order to deny the modern value of the ancient tradition of China. (4) Kant in the biblical background proved the necessity and reasonableness of the human rational and moral progression. He started from the fall of Adam and Eva in the Genesis, pointed out the teleological progression from evil to good, from egoistic passion to autonomous morality, from ethnic fight to world peace. Kant criticized China for its inertia and thereby, lack of the progressive incentives. For this reason he despised Chinese culture and philosophy. (5) Hegel combined Absolute Spirit of God with a historical dialectics. He re-constructed a progressive model from “Oriental beginning” to “Western end”, by which the backward of Chinese culture and philosophy was sublated. Weber’s dichotomy between protestant ethics and Chinese religion completed the overall criticism of China, and has exerted a wide influence on westerners’ negative evaluation of China.