

戴卡琳 比利时鲁汶大学

Defoort, Carine, University of Leuven




Interpretations of ‘Correct Naming’: The Historical Position of Hu Shi

In discussions and textbooks concerning ancient Chinese thought, the idea of ‘correct naming’ or ‘correction of terms’ (zheng ming) is usually presented as a core concept. It is sometimes even presented as a central aspect of Chinese culture by scholars in the field of political and social sciences. This paper is an initial attempt to discover how important Hu Shi’s (1891-1962) impact has been in the formation of this dominant view. The larger research consists of three steps:

 (1) indicate possible discrepancies between this dominant view and the early sources: Despite ongoing academic debates and different opinions in the field, there is a general agreement that zheng ming (at least in the Lunyu) is concerned with social order, more specifically with people behaving correctly (zheng) according the demands imposed by the name (ming) of their role or position. The most recurring consensus views usually contain several of the following overlapping characteristics. By briefly presenting them, this presentation does not aim at a philosophical criticism of these views, but rather at a historical search for the emergence of interpretations and their contextual background (with a focus on Hu Shi in part 2).

 (2) describe Hu Shi’s view on zheng ming: The general view on zheng ming in current discussions and textbooks is well represented in Hu Shi’s work, more specifically in his doctorate and first major work on the history of Chinese philosophy:

    Hu Shih, The Development of the Logical Method in Ancient China, New York: Paragon Book Reprint Corp., 1922, but first written in 1917.

    胡适, 中国哲学史大纲, Beijing: Dongfang, 1919.

Both books are representative of Hu Shi’s early thought. And the latter was extremely influential in creating modern reading of early Chinese thought at the turn of the 20th century.

 (3) trace the possible antecedents, followers and critics of Hu Shi. The current presentation is limited to the two first steps and focuses on Lunyu 13.3, the only explicit statement on zheng ming attributed to Confucius in the Lunyu.





A much larger research project will encompass other zheng ming fragments as well as the third step into the world of scholars preceding and following Hu Shi.

My approach is not philosophical, namely criticizing Hu Shi for ‘misrepresenting’ Confucius’ original zheng ming idea, because every fruitful understanding is inevitably an interpretation in novel terms. The aim is rather a historical reconstruction of the currently dominant zheng ming view, with a focus on Hu Shi’s contribution to it. My interest in Hu Shi is inspired by a suspicion that his influence has been enormous, not only on contemporary Chinese and Western readings of zheng ming, but also on my own interpretation of it. Therefore, I have not just presented the temporary results of my initial research, but also the larger context, in the hope of receiving suggestions and comments from scholars in the field.













