任大援 中国艺术研究院
Ren, Dayuan, Chinese Academy of Art
西方人对中国历史与文化的介绍研究,如果以代表人物为标志,可以划分为马可波罗时代(14~15世纪)、利玛窦时代(16世纪~19世纪中叶)与伯希和时代(19世纪末~20世纪中叶)。几个世纪以来,西方人对中国文化的关注,是从旅行家的介绍开始,中经传教士荜路蓝缕,逐步发展为对语言、文学、历史、哲学、宗教、民俗等全方位的研究,最后在19世纪逐步专门化而走入大学讲堂,因而出现“汉学研究”,习惯上称之为“汉学”(Sinology,在后来的发展中也包括了“中国学”Chinese studies)。
From a Sino-West Exchange to Chinese Studies
The history of Western scholarship of Chinese history and culture can be divided into three periods: the Marco Polo Era (14th-15th centuries), the Matteo Ricci Era (16th- mid19th centuries) and Paul Pelliot Era (late 19th-mid-20th centuries). Western interest in China centered for centuries on either tourism or the missionary endeavor, only later extending to an interest in language, literature, history, philosophy, religion, folklore etc. Finally, in the 19th century this evolved into the gradual specialization of a University discourse, resulting in what is now generally designated as “sinological studies” or sinology, which also incorporates various fields of modern Chinese studies.
What is the Chinese scholars’ understanding of the above process? How does it relate to the evolution of Chinese academia itself? These important questions in sinological studies cover three stages spanning over a hundred years of history. Firstly, the development of studies from guoxue (Chinese classics) to hanxue (sinology), progressing from a sense of “Rearranging the National Heritage” to becoming a vehicle of communication between China and the West. Secondly, the development of “sinology” opened up new areas and new ways to further develop and study Guoxue. This was done mainly from the western perspective as a kind of “special sinology”examining for example, Western participation in expeditions to the west of China and Dunhuang, which resulted in a series of major archaeological discoveries. Through participation in such research Chinese scholars can learn about the “sinology” approach and promote it within the development of contemporary Chinese academia. Thirdly, in the 20th century, especially since the eighties and the mainland “reform and opening” the study of humanities and the social sciences has been invigorated as a result of the increase in and systematic development of han xue (Chinese) Sinological research (i.e. sinology research undertaken by native Chinese). This has resulted in a dedicated translation “series”, specialized journals, specialized lectures, specialized academic conferences, the opening of specialized courses in universities and professional hanxue post-graduate training and so on. This academic phenomenon, of hanxue yanjiu “Chinese Studies” has become mainland China’s modern day “xianxue” (a famous school of thought), with a wealth of findings being made public. These results, are not simply the work of the Western sinology in the sense of it being a scholarly introduction, but are in essence a kind of inherent development of Chinese academic research itself.
The present paper focuses on the dual aspect of sinology: the interactive process of sinology and Chinese scholars’ response to it, i.e., Chinese scholars’ critical re-cognition and re-interpretation of China through the perspective of sinologists’ research. It is through such interaction that sinology can evolve alongside academic research in general, which in and of itself constitutes the main trend of sinological studies in the 21th century.