

费乐仁 香港浸会大学

Pfister, Lauren, Hong Kong Baptist University




Modern Christian Missionary-Scholars(传教士学者)and the Diversified Development of European Sinology and American Chinese Studies

The modern disciplines of sinology and Chinese studies arose in the late 19th century context when some secularizing tendencies began to appear and later dominate in academic circles, whether considered from the trends in mainland China or the cultural developments in Europe and North America. Nevertheless, in the century between 1850 to 1950 the contributions to various dimensions by missionary-scholars to the study of China remained significant, to the point that until the beginning of the 20th century some of the most significant foreign scholars of China were either missionaries or former missionaries. Beyond the most notable figures who contributed to the translation and interpretation of ancient China – including James Legge (理雅各) in English, Séraphin Couvreur (顾赛芬) in French and Latin, and Richard Wilhelm (卫礼贤) in German – there continued to be a major group of missionary- scholars who continued to provide their accounts of Chinese history, literature, languages, politics, philosophies and religions.

Because their voices after 1949 were essentially silenced in Mainland China, and their relevance to contemporary developments in the People’s Republic of China was questioned until some initial studies in the late 1980s, there is an aspect of sinology’s disciplinary history in which they served major roles but has not yet been fully explored. This paper will offer a revised account of “missionary-scholars” and then discuss some of the poignant questions related to the histories of European sinology and American Chinese studies which will highlight the controversies and breakthroughs in their sinological contributions and explore their continued value for on-going efforts in sinological developments.




不管是从中国大陆的发展趋势,还是从欧洲和北美洲的文化发展来看,作为现代学科的汉学和中国研究都兴起于19世纪末。其时,世俗化的倾向开始出现,并很快就成为学术领域的主导倾向。不过,在18501950这一百年间,传教士学者在中国研究的各个方面所做的贡献仍然举足轻重。以至于20世纪初最具影响力的中国研究学者要么是传教士,要么曾经是传教士。除了那些大名鼎鼎的中国古代典籍翻译家和阐释者——包括使用英语的理雅各布(James Legge)、使用法语和拉丁语的顾赛芬(Séraphin Couvreur)以及使用德语的卫礼贤(Richard Wilhelm)——大批传教士学者继续从事着他们对中国历史、文学、语言、政治、哲学和宗教的研究。

