

伍晓明 新西兰坎特伯雷大学

Wu, Xiaoming, University of Canterbury










Ethical Responsibility and Legal Justice: A Preliminary Analysis of the Question of Gu Sou’s Homicide in Mencius 

Mencius’s dialogue partner Tao Ying poses this question to Mencius: “Suppose that Shun is ruling the country and Gao Tao is in charge of the execution of the law; now what should be done if Shun’s father Gu Sou kills somebody?” This question implies a certain ethical impasse, thus there will be no easy solution. On the one hand Mencius does not deny that it is justified if Gao Tao detains the king’s father, but on the other hand he allows Shun to escape together with his father, Shun carrying Gu Sou on his back. How should one interpret this flight? The situation that Shun escapes with his father after the latter has killed someone cannot simply be understood in a way that Shun neglects the law, or that Shun betrays the law because of family ties. Mencius does not have Shun prohibit Gao Tao to detain a person, and this shows that Shun does not obstruct the execution of the law just because he enjoys the absolute authority of a king, even if Shun would have the power to do so in theory. In fact the flight of Shun together with his father amounts to a kind of passive resistance. However, this resistance is not against the rule that his father should be detained according to the law, and it is not a resistance against the rule that the law should be executed without any exception, but it is rather a resistance against a kind of basic helplessness of the law: in some sense the law somehow limits my unlimited responsibility towards every “incomparable” other. In other words, before the law I must to some extent give up the other, that is to say, I have to give up the unlimited responsibility towards any special “incomparable” other. Thus Mencius lets Shun choose the way of avoiding the law. But this flight and the passive “resistance” at the same time acknowledges the necessity of the law. In order to be just and be faithful to the responsibility I have towards any other person, I must agree to give up the unlimited responsibility I have towards any other person, and otherwise justice and fairness cannot exist. If we allow that Gu Sou kills somebody and is not affected by legal punishment, then it is unfair to the one who was killed. Thus, for the sake of justice we must compare between things that cannot be compared, one must compare between the father, who is irreplaceable, and the person who was killed by him, and then one must make a sentence according to the principle of “fairness for all” (yi shi tong ren). But the principle of “fairness for all” does not consider the special situation of each and every person, and this means that there will always be a difficult tension between ethical responsibility and legal justice. This paper tries to explore this kind of tension or difficulty and the author thinks that when we consider or analyze this tension and difficulty, we should give up the habit of finding an either-or solution. First we should hold out in this difficulty and tension, and exactly this is the responsibility of our thinking today.