

牛汝极 新疆师范大学

Niu, Ruji, Xinjiang Normal University








第三是对近年出版的较重要的一些有关中国景教问题研究的出版物进行了评述和介绍。如由Dietmar W. Winkler与唐莉编辑的《隐藏的珍宝与跨文化交往:中国与中亚东方叙利亚基督教研究》(Hidden Treasures and the Intercultural Encounters: Studies on the East Syria Christianity in China and Central Asia, Lit Verlag. 2009),本书收入了学者们有关中国和中亚教会最新的研究成果,其中包括洛阳发现的景教石刻的成果;Erica C. D. Hunter主编《伊拉克的基督教遗产——第一至五届伊拉克基督教会议论文选》(The Christian Heritage of Iraq Collected papers from the Christianity of Iraq I–V Seminar Days, Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies, Gorgias Press 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60724-111-9),文中收有多篇涉及中亚和吐鲁番地区叙利亚语景教碑铭和文献的论文;Christopher Baumer编《东方教会:亚述基督教历史图说》(The Church of the East An illustrated History of Assyrian Christianity, I.B.Tauris 2008,ISBN: 978-1-84511-115-1),文中不少篇幅涉及中国和中亚景教史方面的内容并附大量精美图版;Piercing Giorgio Borbone编《阿鲁浑汗王派往西方的大使——主教雅巴拉哈三世与拉班扫马的历史公元1281-1317》(Un ambassadeur du Khan Argun en OccidentHistoire de Mar Yahballaha III et de Rabban Sauma, Peuples et Cultures de L’Orient, L’Harmattan 2008, ISBN978-2-296-06147-7);牛汝极在法国高等研究实验学院的博士论文《中国发现的叙利亚文景教碑铭文献研究(13-14世纪)》(法文,参见其中文版《十字莲花:中国元代叙利亚文景教碑铭文献研究》上海古籍出版社2008年,ISBN978-7-5352-4908-5 /K·1087)等。






A Review of Overseas Studies Concerning the “Jingjiao” (East-Syrian Church of China)

This paper tries to analyze and evaluate the conferences, research institutes and scholars that have been concerned with the East-Syrian Church of China (Jingjiao) during the last years. First I will review the different conferences held in different places. The main emphasis is on the academic results of the first, second and third “International Conference on the Nestorian Church of China and Central Asia” held at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

Then I want to introduce some overseas academic institutions and their activities, for example the University of Salzburg in Austria, the Orthodox Churches of Austria, the editorial of Monumenta Serica in Germany and their publication series, the Research Team of Syria of the national Center of Research of France, the Syria Studies Association of Toronto University, Canada, the study project of “the Manichaeism of Quanzhou and the Jingjiao Heritage” of the Marquard University of Australia and the activities of other institutions.

In the third part I want to present and review some publications concerning the Jingjiao of China, for example Dietmar Winkler and Tang Li have edited the book Hidden Treasures and Intercultural Encounters: Studies on the East Syria Christianity in China and Central Asia, Lit Publications, 2009. This book contains the newest study results concerning the Jingjiao in China and Central Asia, including the research done on the stone inscriptions excavated in Luoyang. Erica C. D. Hunter edited The Christian Heritage of Iraq – Collected papters from the Christianity of Iraq I-V Seminar Days, Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies, Gorgias 2009; this book presents many articles concerning Syrian stone inscriptions of the Jingjiao from Central Asia and from Turfan. Christopher Baumer has edited The Church of the East – An illustrated History of Assyrian Christianity, I. B. Tauris, 2008. Many articles in this book are related to the history of the Jingjiao in China and Central Asia and it has many beautiful pictures in the appendix. Piercing Giorgio Borbone has edited Un ambassadeur du Khan Argun en Occident – Histoire de Mar Yahballaha III et de Rabban Sauma, Peuples et Cultures de l’Orient, L’ Harmattan 2008. The PhD thesis of Niu Ruji at the College of Higher Studies in France has been published in French under the title Research Concerning the Syrian Inscriptions of Jingjiao Steles of the 13th and 14th Century which have been Discovered in China (for the Chinese version see The Cross and the Lotus (Shiji lianhua), Shanghai Guji, 2008).

As a conclusion this paper will sum up of these recent studies on the Jingjiao of China and express desiderata for future studies.