

张寿安 台湾中央研究院

Zhang, Shouan, Academia Sinica











The Six Classics as History? The Views of Gong Zizhen and Zhang Xuecheng

In terms of the development of Chinese scholarship, the most important achievement of the Qing period was the establishment of the field of intellectual history. This field is what Zhang Xuecheng termed “to discern multiple intellectual currents and identify their origins,” and his purpose was to explore changes in pre-Qin and Qin-Han scholarship. He analyzed the boundaries among the distinct fields of the Classics, history, philosophy, and belles lettres. 

In the last four centuries of the development of this kind of intellectual history, the most important pair of figures has been Zhang Xuecheng and Gong Zizhen. Zhang established a theory of intellectual change; furthermore, in proclaiming that the Six Classics were all history, he took history out of the Classics, thus turning history into a field in its own right. Gong modified Zhang’s approach when he traced the origins of the Classics to history, but also maintained that the uniqueness of the Classics lay in their subtle words and great meanings. In approaching the development of the Classics, history, philosophy, and belles lettres, Zhang’s and Gong’s views on philosophy—the “hundred schools”—differed. Zhang regarded the hundred schools essentially as literature, from which all later styles developed. But Gong emphasized the intellectual creativity of the hundred schools, as well as their differences from the Classics of Confucianism. 

Thus, this article focuses on Zhang and Gong in terms of the differences and similarities of their views toward intellectual history. The article focuses on their different attitudes to the Classics and history, and then turns to their different evaluations of the hundred schools. Zhang’s and Gong’s views were critical to the development of literary and intellectual history in the era of the Republic.