马 军 上海社会科学院
Ma, Jun, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
1949年前中国学术界译介“意大利旅行家马可波罗(Marco Polo)”文献目录初编[1]
马可·波罗是意大利乃至西方中国研究的开创性人物,有鉴于此,笔者编辑了《1949年前中国学术界译介“意大利旅行家马可波罗(Marco Polo)”文献目录初编》,希望能够为海外中国学研究、元史研究提供一份有益的指南。
Pre-1949 Literature Catalogue: Translated and Analytical Works by Scholars in China on the Italian Traveler Marco Polo[1]
Recent years have seen a growing proliferation of research by scholars in China on overseas China studies and its history. What needs to be stressed is that work on this topic started in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republican era with research achievements proving to be quite spectacular. Great attention has also been devoted to Chinese Studies in Italy and by
Translated and analytical works open a window on early China Studies in Italy. For scholars in China, Italian documentation on China Studies are not easily accessible, while the materials in Chinese, regardless of how early they are dated, are much more easily accessible and constitute no language barrier.
Translating and introducing works are conducive to enhanced communication between Chinese and Italian academia. Chinese Studies in Italy provide the historical and cultural perspectives of Italian scholars, and the translation of Chinese scholars' works and analysis are another layer of cross-cultural communication.
A guideline will be provided for research on Chinese Studies in Italy undertaken by scholars in China. One shortcoming of previous academic efforts in this area lies in the lack of knowledge of the pre-1949 research which has resulted in the repetitive and unfruitful work. Both in terms of historical continuation and academic inheritance there is a call to pay attention to previous research. Furthermore, work in this area will help us to strike a balance between the earlier-stage China Studies in Italy and the modern- and- contemporary studies, an area which has hitherto received more academic efforts by scholars in China.
Marco Polo was a pioneering figure in the area of China Studies abroad. The present work, intended to provide a guideline for overseas China Studies, is only a section of the voluminous reference book entitled A Catalogue of the Works of China Studies Abroad. The giant book under compilation is supposed to list 10,000 items and have a total number of 400,000 Chinese characters. The whole volume will be arranged on a country by country basis and by date of publication, respectively. The countries which will be covered include the United States, Great Britain, France, Russia (the Soviet Union), Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and India. Each country stands as a separate unit in which all the entries are listed chronologically- from the end of Ming and the beginning of Qing Dynasty up to 1949. Each item contains information such as the title, author, periodical or publisher, volume, edition and the date of publication etc. In some cases additional notes are also included. At the end of the book there will be an index of people covered.
The entire project has been underway for four years and will be completed in a further six years. It is hoped that this undertaking will overcome the previous lack of any specialized catalogue for Chinese Studies abroad in the period before 1949 and will be consulted for the future relevant research.
[1]This paper is based on the 985 Project of the Literature and History Research Institute, the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Innovation Base of Fudan University.