

赵 苗 北京外国语大学

Zhao, Miao, Beijing Foreign Studies University







A Study on Japan’s First History of Chinese Literature

In the 15th year of the Meiji Period (in 1882), the Japanese scholar Suematsu Kentyo wrote the first History of Chinese Literature, entitled Zhina gu wenxue shi lue. Since then Japanese scholars have been writing studies on the history of Chinese literature, and after that there appeared a great number of works and studies on the history of Chinese literature. The appearance of these works on the history of Chinese literature was possible because Japan was influenced by the modern historiography of the west and these scholars were thus able to make a historical summary of Chinese literature, so that the Chinese texts in Japan could be “listed up systematically and studied with a clear outline”. On the other hand, it was because Japanese literature was always deeply influenced by Chinese literature, and a systematic outline of the history of Chinese literature could also have the effect of academic clarifications and ascertaining the textual sources. Chinese scholars were inspired by these efforts and started also to write histories of literature or studies in this field. The Chinese scholars were influenced by the Japanese scholars with regard to the arrangement and structure of their works. Being the first work on the history of Chinese literature, the literary structure of the Zhina gu wenxue shi lue was still restricted by the framework of the national studies of the Qing Dynasty, and the contents are sometimes not elaborated enough, but the work of Suematsu Kentyo was ground-breaking and already had the significance of inaugurating modern scholarship in this field.