李 梁 日本弘前大学
Li, Liang, Hirosaki University
East-West Exchange and the Construction of the Early Modern East Asian New Knowledge System
In 1549, Francisco de Xavier (1506-1552), a founding member of the Society of Jesus, accompanied by Anjirô, landed in Japan’s southernmost port Kagoshima. This has been, in a broad sense, considered as the beginning of the Christian centuries in East Asia. In the following two centuries, various Catholic groups, the Society of Jesus being most prominent representative, translated many Western scientific books into East Asian languages.
Technology and Renaissance arts were introduced to East Asia through Catholic teaching or within the methods of the Catholic missions. This process had a great impact on East Asians’ views on knowledge. In other words, the new epistemic way of knowing the world deeply challenged and shook the local traditional knowledge system (its structure, values and methodology, and so on), and brought to birth various new systems of knowledge and epistemology. Such change eventually altered the world views of many East Asian intellectuals.
This study aims to analyze the formation and transformation of the new knowledge in early modern East Asia with a focus on some representative intellectuals, Arai Hakuseki (新井白石) from Japan, Xu Guangqi (徐光啓) from China and Hong Daeyoung (洪大容) from Korea, who were all working at almost the same time. By analyzing how the new Western knowledge learnt from Catholic missionaries influenced and changed East Asian knowledge systems in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, this study will review and re-evaluate the history of West-East intellectual exchange since the sixteenth century. This particular presentation will only focus on Arai Hakuseki due to the limits of time.
真正意义上的东西会通,始自十五世纪末的地理大发现时代。1499年,巴士科·达·伽马“发现”印度航路回归葡京的翌年,由卡布拉尔(Pedro Alvares Cabra,1467-1520)率领的葡萄牙舰队,就出现在印度洋沿岸。其后,葡萄牙人接踵而至,并很快就占领了印度的果阿(1510),马来半岛的马六甲王国(1511),于1513年前后,抵达广东沿岸,1543年,开始涉足日本。尤为重要的是,1557年,葡萄牙人获准居住澳门。从此,澳门渐为远东最重要的贸易、传教乃至知识传播(教育)基地。而自1571年起,直至1587年被丰臣秀吉(1536-1598)没收为止,作为耶稣会在日本领地的长崎港,在东亚的传教、贸易以及知识传播上,同样起到重要的作用。
由于1514年,教皇利奥十世(Leo X)颁发勅书,将葡萄牙国王的“保教权”(Padroado)扩展到东亚地区,随之以耶稣会为代表的天主教诸教派,搭乘葡、西海外扩张之潮,先后航抵葡属东印度(Estato da India Oriental),也即东亚地区。
1549年(日本天文18年),耶稣会创始会员之一沙勿略(Francisco de Xavier,别名方济各,1506-1552)在日本人安次郎的伴随下,从本州最南端的鹿儿岛登岸,自此揭开了东亚“天主教时代”的序幕。在将近二个世纪的期间,以耶稣会为代表的天主教各修会,一方面通过天主教信仰及其神学思想的传播;另方面作为传教的手段,大量译介了欧洲文艺复兴时期科学技术以及工艺诸知识,给予东亚各国巨大的思想性冲击,不仅极大地动摇了当地固有的知识体系——知识结构·价值观·认识论;而且直接间接地催生了各种新知识及其体系的建构,并导致相当一部分士人阶层对外观念发生重大嬗变。