


中国大清王朝的康熙大帝与法兰西王国的路易十四大帝,是17-18世纪欧亚大陆两极的两大圣君。他们的从政经历有许多共同之处,虽为专制君主,也不失具有许多 开明之处。这两大君主之间还曾有过许多间接地联系。路易十四派遣耶稣会士学者到中国,甚至是在清朝宫廷中效力。他们既向中国传授西学,也将中国传统文化传 向西方。康熙不仅热情接待和积极支持入华耶稣会士门的工作,而且还数次向路易十四遣使送礼,形成了中西文化的首次撞击。



Kangxi Emperor, Louis XIV and the Advent of Catholicism in China


In the 17th and 18th centuries the Chinese Emperor Kangxi of the Manchu Dynasty and Emperor Louis XIV of France were two great rulers of the Asian and European continents respectively. Their political strategies show some similarities. Even if both were absolutist monarchs, they were also enlightened in some ways. There were many indirect contacts between these two great kings. Louis XIV sent Jesuit scholars to China, some of whom even served in the imperial palace in Beijing. Besides introducing western knowledge to China, they also brought Chinese tradition to the west. Emperor Kangxi was a fervent supporter of the work of the Jesuits in China, he also sent presents to Louis XIV repeatedly, which constitutes the first encounter between eastern and western culture.

Keywords: Kangxi, Louis XIV, Jesuits, Encounter China-West