

本文对当代中国学术界所进行的域外中国学(汉学)研究的方法论问题从三 个方面做了论述。一是近年来一些学者将国内从事域外中国学(汉学)的研究称作是“自我殖民化”,认为域外中国学(汉学)是帝国主义的产物,针对这样的议 论,本文给予了批评。同时,本文对西方中国学中的问题也不回避,建议建立一种批评的中国学,使国内学术研究与国外汉学界展开学术上的互动。只有站在中国学 术重建的自我学术立场上,我们才能走出西方汉学界的学术壁垒,建设中国学术界新的国际话语体系。


Three Views on the Methodology of Foreign Chinese Studies

Zhang Xiping
Beijing Foreign Language Study University

This paper elaborates on the methodology of “foreign Chinese studies” (or “Sinology”) from three aspects. This paper will examine the critiques of some Chinese scholars who have recently interpreted “foreign Chinese studies” as the product of imperialism and labeled domestic research on “foreign Chinese studies” as “self-colonialism.”At the same time, this paper faces up to the problems of foreign Chinese studies and advocates constructing a new critical field of Chinese studies, aimed at academic interaction between indigenous academic research and foreign research. Only when we take the position of Chinese academic reconstruction can we move away from the academic shortcomings of foreign Chinese studies and construct a new international discourse system of the Chinese academic field.