"Controversy over 'Jullien', or where and what is China, philosophically speaking?"

Ralph Weber

University of Zurich

The sinologist-philosopher François Jullien is distinguished by the fact that he has attracted impressively little endorsement from the side of sinologists while being one of the most published authors in the field of Chinese philosophy with an impressive track record of raising interest among philosophers and other non-sinologists more generally. This paper is about Jullien and more particularly about a controversy and its aftermath that arouse over the publications of a pamphlet by Jean François Billeter entitled Against Jullien, replied by Jullien in a volume subtitled Reply to *** and followed by several collections of essays by French (and some German) intellectuals – one of them entitled For Jullien. The controversy in this process assumed a weight that went far beyond the person of Jullien in interesting ways. For that reason, this paper is also about ‘Jullien’, i.e. about the stand-in figure for questions that go far beyond Jullien, beyond the French debate to the heart of sinology and also of philosophy. The question, what and where China is philosophically speaking, is discussed with regard to the role of context, the use of the notion of heterotopy and the political side of talk about China in and beyond sinology.





汉学家兼哲学家的弗朗索瓦·于连很特别的一点在于,他是中国哲学领域里最为多产的学者之一,而且在哲学界和其他非汉学领域引起了非常广泛的关注,但他在汉学界却知音寥寥。本文将考察于连和一场围绕他而进行的争论,以及这场争论产生的影响。起初毕来德出版了题为《反对于连》的小册子,于连则以一本副标题为《答某某某》的书作答,紧接着法国(和一些德 国)学者就此出版了几本论文集,其中一本题为《支持于连》。这场争论在发生的过程中,以非常有趣的方式呈现出了超越于连个人的重要意义。正因此,本文也还 是关于“于连”的,只不过“于连”这个人物是作为许多问题的代表,而这些问题已经远远超越了于连本人,超越了这场法国范围内的争论,触及了汉学以及哲学研究的核心。文本将从语境所发挥的作用、对异位移植这一概念的使用,以及在汉学和其他领域谈论中国所具有的政治意义这些角度,探讨“在哲学的意义上中国何在、何为中国”这个问题。