中国人民大学 汉语国际推广研究所
  • 08
  • 04,2009

A Comment on the Achievement of the Chinese Grammar in Westin the First Half of the 19th Century

Abstract: This paper looks back and analyses the social and academic background of Western Chinese grammar research in the first half of 19th century . The need of the practice and the fertile soil of theory were two essential elements of the fast development of Western Chinese grammar research. The increase of exchanges between Chinese and Western raised the demand of international Chinese grammar teaching and study. Meanwhile, the formation of Sinology and linguistic development provided essential theoretical support for the early Western Chinese grammar research. We try to provide the experience for the current Chinese grammar reach and the teaching of Chinese as a second language though summarizing the early history of the teaching of Chinese of Western.

Key words: the 19th Century, Western, Chinese, grammar, background

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