CHARD, Robert
Professor of Chinese Classics and tutorial fellow in Chinese at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of St Anne’s College. Main research fields include the cultural history of Confucianism and Confucian ritual studies (禮學), the history of Chinese religion and magical beliefs, and political and military history. Major publications include Creating Confucian Authority: The Field of Ritual Learning in Early China to 9 CE (2021), “School and Confucius Temple in Late Eighteenth-Century Japan: Background and Significance of the Founding of the Kōjōkan in Yonezawa Domain(2019),” “The Meirinkan School Temple in Hagi Domain: Ritual Forms and their Purpose in Confucian Education in Eighteenth-Century Japan(2017), ” “Visual Power and Moral Influence: The Taku Confucius Temple and its Chinese Counterparts(2016), ” and “Zhu Shunshui on the Nature of Confucian Learning in China and Japan(2015), ”etc.
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