Associate Professor of East Asian Studies, Faculty of Social Science, University of Buenos Aires; Associate Professor & Researcher at National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS); Director of Argentina-China Studies Center Argentina-China Study Center (ACSC) at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Research Areas: Ancient Chinese political thought and administrative practice; early Chinese historiography and textual production; early and medieval Chinese social history; early and medieval Chinese religious practices; Asia in the twentieth century, decolonization processes in Asia; Modernization and Urbanization in Asia, Asian diasporas and migrant communities in Latin America. Main Publications:“Dimensiones de la cooperación académica y cultural con la República Popular China” (co-authored), in Llenderrozas, Elsa (ed.) Rusia, China e India en América Latina. Un enfoque multidimensional, (2018); “The role of Ethnic Minorities in the Governance of the Frontier Regions. Evaluating the Contributions of Ethnic Minorities to the Territorial Governance during the Qin and Han Dynasties,” in A Collection of Research Papers of the Visiting Program for Young Sinologists 2017 (Xi’an)(Forthcoming, 2018); “Being in Time: What Medieval Chinese Theorists can Teach us About Social History” (co-authored), in Leigh Jenco (ed.), Chinese Thought as Global Theory: Diversifying Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences and Humanities, (2016); “A Bride for the River God. Ximen Bao and the Eradication of Human Sacrifice in Early China,” in Romer Cornejo, (coord.).China: Estudios y Ensayos en Honor a Flora Botton Beja (2012).
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