就迄今所发现的文献资料而言,德国人肖特(Wilhelm Schott, 1802-1889)的《中国文学论纲》(1854)当为世界上第一部中国文学史。俄国人王西里《中国文学史纲要》(1880)之结构,基本上与之相仿。而日本19世纪末的早期中国文学史著,在结构上同王西里、甚至肖特专著有着不少相似之处。这很能让人看到时人对文学概念以及文学史编纂体例的“共识”,亦能见出外国早期中国文学史纂的一些共有特征。
本报告仅对肖氏论著的“蓝本”亦即两部中国书籍《索引》做一简要介绍。遵照普鲁士国王谕旨,柯恒儒(Julius Klaproth,1783-1835)编制《柏林皇家图书馆中文、满文书籍索引》(1822),肖特于1840年发表该作续编,并冠以中文名称《御书房满汉书广录》。这两部《索引》,便是肖特撰《中国文学论纲》(1854)的重要资料来源。柯、肖二人编制的是评点本《索引》,囊括1840年 之前柏林皇家图书馆(普鲁士国家图书馆前身)的全部中国书籍,对馆藏原著的钻研,本在情理之中。肖氏《论纲》从内容到编排都能见出《索引》留下的痕迹。要 了解肖氏文学史论著的大概内容和结构,两部《索引》几乎可以充当目录。当然,肖特《中国文学论纲》自有其必要取舍,不可能完全依照《索引》,另有一些文献 并不见于《索引》。
The First “Blueprint” for a History of Chinese Literature: Two Indices of Chinese Books
Fang Weigui
Beijing Normal University
The German Wilhelm Schott’s (1802-1889) book Outline of Chinese Literature (1854) can perhaps be regarded as the very first “History of Chinese Literature.” The Russian Vassili's study Outline of the History of Chinese Literature (1880) can basically be understood as an adaptation of Schott's book. The late-19th century Japanese works concerning the history of Chinese literature have many structural similarities with the books of Schott and Vassili. This phenomenon shows us that there was a “common understanding” concerning the concept of “literature” and the framework of a history of literature. One can also see some common traits in how foreigners wrote a history of Chinese literature.
My report here attempts to present two indices of Chinese books that were the “blueprint” of Schott's study. In response to an order from the King of Prussia, Julius Klaproth (1783-1835) wrote a “List of Chinese and Manchurian books in the Royal Library of Berlin” (1822), and in 1840 Schott published the continuation of this list under the title “List of the Manchu-Tungusan and Chinese Books and Manuscripts in the Royal Library of Berlin.” These two lists were the main material which Schott based his Outline of Chinese Literature of 1854. The indices of Klaproth and Schott were also book reviews, containing all the Chinese books of the Royal Library of Berlin (later the National Library of Prussia) before the year 1840. These scholars naturally also analyzed the original texts of these books. As to the contents and arrangement, the fore-mentioned indices provide the basic structure of Schott's Outline, traces of which can be found throughout the text. While Schott's Outline of Chinese Literature had to be selective of the material from the “index,” as well as including material not found in the latter.