如大家所知,土耳其和中国之间有悠久的历史关系。今日在地理上相互远离的这两个国家,在历史上却曾比邻而居,且长年有着非常密切的关系,这也因而让他们成了彼此的老朋友。许多人以为,在历史上土耳其与中国是经常交战的两个国家,但实际情况并不是那样,而这两个国家往往是相辅相成的。故本人认为,若历史上没有土耳其,我们就很难谈论中国历史,而若没有中国,我们也很难谈论土耳其历史。建立土耳其共和国的伟大领袖凯末尔认为,为了创建一种新的民族意识,「语言」和「历史」的 发展则是最重要的两个条件。因此,他建立土耳其共和国后,鉴于强化土耳其文化与历史而尤其重视土耳其语文及土耳其历史领域的研究。而为进一步推动此二领域 的研究工作,他则分别设立了土耳其语文及历史两个独立学术机构。并为培养新进研究人员,凯末尔则于1935年下令筹设了安卡拉大学语言历史地理学院。
Sinological Studies in Turkey
Bülent Okay
Ankara University
As everyone knows, Turkey and China have long-lasting historical connections. Today the two countries are geographically separated. But they were neighbors at one time in history and for a long time were closely connected, resulting in a lasting friendship. Many people think that throughout history China and Turkey were often involved in wars, but actually this was not the case. In fact these two countries were frequently helping each other. Thus I personally think that without Turkey we could not talk about China, and without China it would be very hard to imagine Turkey.
The great ruler who established the Republic of Turkey, Kemal, thought that in order to create a new national awareness, the development of a “language” and a “history” were two very important conditions. Therefore, after having established the Republic of Turkey, he emphasized the study of Turkish language and Turkish history in order to strengthen the culture and history of Turkey. For the progress of the studies in these two areas, he established two independent academic institutions for the study of Turkish language and Turkish history respectively. In order to train new experts, he ordered the establishment of the Faculty of Language, History and Geography of Ankara University in 1935.
One of the 16 departments of the Faculty of Language, History and Geography of Ankara University that were established in the beginning was the Department of Sinology. The reason for setting up a department of Sinology was that the Chinese language is vitally important for the study of the history of the Turkish peoples in Inner Asia. The task of the Department of Sinology is to train experts who are able to read Chinese historical sources and to translate the important texts that deal with the history of the Turks.
Today the researchers of the Department of Sinology try to fulfill their academic tasks and hope to make their contributions for a good development of the Sino-Turkish friendship.