
ZHANG, Liwen

廉耻于政治、经济、文化、军事具有重要价值,于个人、民众、社会、国家具有不可或缺的关 系。在日常生活交往中,是体现人的道德情操、德性人格、生活作风、价值观念的标志或符号。而在中华民族传统伦理中,具有丰富而深邃、悠久而有效的廉耻道德 价值,可予借鉴。本文通过对古代典籍相关文献的钩沉,试图以古为鉴,使古代思想焕发新的活力,为现代社会的廉耻观提供理论基石。此外,本文认为,通过加强 伦理道德权威、依法治国、公仆意识等方面建设,有可能建构一个人人品行诚信、贫贱不移、节操爱民、清白高洁、廉明公正、洁身谨慎、廉逊知礼、清廉知耻的文 明社会。使大众能够享受到人乐天乐、人和天和、天人共和乐的幸福生活,没有杀戮、偷盗、撒谎、奸淫的净洁世界,这也是人类所期盼的真善美的未来生活。



Ethics of Shame and Honor and the Future of Humanity The ethics of shame and honor has great impact upon politics, economy, culture and military affairs. It is also indispensable to individuals, civilians, society and country. In everyday life, honor and shame mark and signal the morality, character, lifestyle and value of human beings. However, traditional Chinese ethics contains deep, enduring and valid moral values from which we can greatly learn. Through re-reading some ancient texts, this essay tries to set history as a mirror and revitalize the ancient ideas so that we may provide a theoretical foundation for the ethics of shame and honor in modern society Moreover, the author argues that through strengthening the moral authority, running the country with legislation, and establishing a sense of service, we may be able to construct a better society. This would allow each to be faithful, persistent, compassionate, honest, polite and righteous. Each individual can enjoy peace and harmony with oneself, with others and with the natural world. It is a society without murder, war, stealing, lying or adultery. This should be the future life filled with beauty, goodness and truth that people have been dreaming of throughout the ages.