  • 23
  • 02,2009


时间 :2008年9月4日——12月25日


Dwight Hopkins 博士(汉语国际推广研究所驻所研究员)

Sharon Y. Kim博士(汉语国际推广研究所驻所研究员

Chloe Starr博士(汉语国际推广研究所驻所研究员)




Every Thursday evening 18:00-19:30, classroom 2202

  Dr. Yang Huilin:

Sept. 4 and 11,  The Westernized Chinese Academia

Oct. 23,  The Power of Language

Dec. 25, The Paradigms and their Shared Concerns in the Study of Humanities 

  Dr. Dwight Hopkins:

Sept. 18, Judaism

Sept. 25, Hellenic Civilization

Oct. 9, Roman Civilization

Oct. 16,  The Enlightenment Movement and its Influence

  Dr. Sharon Y. Kim

Oct. 30,  Shakespeare, Pericles

Nov. 6, Shakespeare, Hamlet

Nov.13, Woolf, To the Lighthouse (Part I)

Nov.20, Woolf, To the Lighthouse (Part II and III)

  Dr. Chloe Starr:

Nov. 27,  Narrator and Narratology

Dec. 4,Characterization

Dec. 11,Text and Edition

Dec. 18, Reading Gender as Narrative


  1. Recent Research Activities.doc
  2. Memory and Landscape.doc
  3. Zhang Xianliang.doc

Required readings (Dr. Sharon Kim):

Sir Philip Sidney, A Defense of Poetry

Stephen Greenblatt, “Introduction: the Power of Forms in the Renaissance”

Harold Bloom, “Shakespeare’s Universalism”, Shakespeare: the Invention of the Human

Virginia Woolf, “Modern Novels”, The Essays of Virginia Woolf, edited by Andrew McNeillie, vol. 4, London: Hogarth Press, 1994

Virginia Woolf, Excerpts from Diary, edited by Ann Bell, 5 vols. London: Hogarth Press, 1977-1984

T. S. Eliot, “Tradition and Inpidual Talent”

Toril Moi, “Introduction: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”, Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory, New York: Methuen, 1985

Recommended readings (Dr. Yang Huilin):

Roland Barthes, On Popular Theater

Maurice Blanchot, The Novel, Work of Bad Faith

Gérard Genette, Mallarmé’s Happiness?

Michel Foucault, Richard’s Mallarmé

Jacques Derrida, Mallarmé

Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche and Mallarmé

Roland Barthes, Writing the Event

Pierre Bourdieu, Commitment and Autonomy

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